You Are My Forever

Today is the beginning of the next chapter

September 25th, 2023

Their Story

She was the smart, beautiful RA with starry blue eyes and he was the nerdy, lanky awkward boy. Who would've thought they would be a good fit? Lives so different from each other that it worked. The balance they both bring to each other fits in perfect harmony. 

It all began back in 2018, when the boy saw the girl and well the rest is history.. thats why we are here. Their story is written in the page labeled "Our Story". It details the incredible journeys and time that they have spent with each other. How they opened their family to their animals, and the advenures that they have done.

I want you to know that there is no other person on this earth that I rather go through life with. It hasn't always been easy getting here, but when the moments are good, they are incredible. There will be fights and disagreements but there will also be time of incredible joy. There will be times that I look at you and you look at me and think, how did I get this lucky to have this person be mine? Where the emotions are big in the best way possible and no one else could ever understand how this person makes me feel. It won't always be easy but you and I are the best team imaginable. 

I will be up on that alter today to say "I do" to spend the rest of my life with you. Ready to venture off into the next chapter of our love story together and family.